Is Baptism in the Spirit for everyone?
To answer this question, let us first look at what is meant by baptism in the Spirit. As generally understood in
the Charismatic Renewal, baptism in the Spirit refers to a life-transforming experience of the reality and
presence of the risen Lord Jesus and of the Holy Spirit and his gifts. It is not a sacrament itself but a coming to
life of the fundamental graces of the sacraments of baptism and confirmation. It enables the power and
efficacy of these sacraments to come to fruition in a new way, resulting in a new empowerment for service
and evangelization.
Many in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal are convinced that this grace is for every member of the Church.
Others are hesitant before such a claim, pointing out that the CCR is only one of many new ecclesial
movements in the Church, each having its own distinct charisms. In fact, important truths are expressed in
both of these positions.
On the one hand, baptism in the Spirit is indeed a grace meant for every baptized Christian. One of the
strongest affirmations of the universality of this gift was made by Pope Benedict XVI in his Regina Caeli
address on Pentecost Sunday, 2008, when he said, “Today I would like to extend this invitation to everyone:
Let us rediscover, dear brothers and sisters, the beauty of being baptized in the Holy Spirit; let us be aware
again of our baptism and our confirmation, sources of grace that are always present. Let us ask the Virgin
Mary to obtain a renewed Pentecost for the Church again today, a Pentecost that will spread in everyone the
joy of living and witnessing to the Gospel” (emphasis added). The Holy Father explained that the outpouring
of the Spirit at Pentecost was “the crowning moment of Jesus’ whole mission,” the gift that he died and rose
to give us. On another occasion, the pope stated that “Christ’s entire mission is summed up in this: to baptize
us in the Holy Spirit, to free us from the slavery of death and ‘to open heaven to us’.”1 Certainly it cannot be
assumed that Pope Benedict was using the biblical phrase “baptize in the Holy Spirit” in exactly the same way
as the Charismatic Renewal uses it today. Yet clearly he is calling for a renewal of the graces of baptism and
confirmation in a way that is directly linked to the outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost. Moreover, he is well
aware of the use of this term in the Renewal for the grace that has transformed the lives of so many millions
of Christians.
Thus the CCR is in one sense the bearer of a grace that belongs to the whole Church and is meant for the
renewal of the whole Church. At the same time, however, it must be recognized that the CCR is also a specific
movement in the Church with its own distinctive spirituality, structures, forms of prayer, and patterns of
Christian life. The CCR was raised up by God to treasure and foster the grace of baptism in the Spirit in a
particular way, but it is not the only way of responding to this grace. In his apostolic letter Christifideles Laici,
Pope John Paul II exhorted the faithful to esteem the various charisms expressed in different ecclesial
movements: “All of us, Pastors and lay faithful, have the duty to promote and nourish stronger bonds and
mutual esteem, cordiality and collaboration among the various forms of lay associations. Only in this way can
the richness of the gifts and charisms that the Lord offers us bear their fruitful contribution in building the
common house” (31).
This twofold reality also applies to particular charisms that are exercised in the Renewal. For example, are
prophecy and healing for the whole Church? In the sense that these are basic endowments of the Church, the
answer is yes; they belonged to the ministry of Jesus and were part of what he passed on to the Church
through the Twelve (see Mt 10:7-8; Mk 16:15-18; 1Cor 14:1). However, the particular forms that these gifts take
in various times and settings cannot be made mandatory for any person or group. The forms for the exercise
of these gifts found in the CCR are particular expressions that should not be seen as the norm for everyone.
1 Benedict XVI, Angelus Address, January 13, 2008.
Sometimes leaders in CCR state that our goal should be to disappear into the Church, as the whole Church
becomes renewed. This is a worthy aim, but at the same time it must be kept in mind that the goal of
renewing the Church will not be fully realized until Christ comes in glory! As a movement within the Church,
the CCR is called to live out the grace of baptism in the Spirit with a particular intensity so that we can be a
continual leaven within the whole body of Christ as it moves through history.
Makala Mpaya
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Is it possible to do a life in the Spirit seminar
or retreat in one single day?
In the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, the spiritual preparation that leads to the prayer for an outpouring or
baptism in the Holy Spirit is called “Life in the Spirit Seminars” or “Seven weeks Seminar”, referring as such to
the seven weeks of prayer and expectancy Jesus’ apostles and women - among whom Mary, lived from the
Ascension until Pentecost.
On the fifthtieth day, the Holy Spirit fell on them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to
speak in different languages as the Spirit gave them power to express themselves. (Ac 2, 4)
The baptism in the Holy Spirit opens to the fullness of the Spirit, charisma and practice of those charisma, all
given to serve the Body of Christ and work out the mission to evangelize as true and faithful witnesses of the
redeemed Christ.
At the end of the Second Vatican Council, the twenty-five students and teachers who took part on midFebruary
in a retreat at the Duquesne University in the USA, had prepared themselves by praying daily to the
Holy Spirit as well as studying the four last chapters of the Acts of Apostles. At the end of this week-end, they
experienced in a tremendous way a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit as an answer to their deep prayer
to God to deepen the grace of their baptism and their confirmation.
There was the official birth of the CCR. Life in the Spirit Seminars lead all those who have been baptized but
not evangelized to a personal encounter with Christ and to a new openness to the Holy Spirit. It is not only a
matter of listening and receiving talks, but of living a deep conversion path, breaking with a sinner’s life,
obtaining inner healing or liberation.
Obviously the baptism in the Holy Spirit, such as it is being experienced at the end of one of these Seminars,
may be given by God in his all powerfulness without one having explicitly followed a Life in the Spirit Seminar,
for example on the occasion of a renewing of vows of consecrated life or even on the occasion of the
Sacrament of Confirmation if its preparation stressed on the same themes as the Seminars. “The coming of
the Holy Spirit does not depend on us. God pours out his Spirit when he wills.”
The seven week Seminars develop the following themes:
1. God our Father is Love and he loves personally;
2. Jesus is your Savior; 3. Jesus is your Lord;
4. Become a disciple of Jesus, healed by his forgiveness, freed from all links and evil possession;
5. You will receive the Holy Spirit and you will be witnesses of the redeemed Christ.
We have to discover anew the Father’s love, Jesus’ salvation and Lordship; to get ready to become Jesus
disciple and witness in the Christian Community.
It is only after this formation and conversion experience that comes the prayer for the baptism in the Holy
Spirit. We cannot do all that in one single day.
Nevertheless, it is possible, and we have experienced it many times in our prayer groups, to do the whole
formation in only two weeks. In this case, after a personal interview with each participant and an introduction
to the Seminars (2 days), the talks could take place over ten days and be concluded with the prayer for an
outpouring and a sending out to mission (3 days).
The 4th Seminar on the 6th day is vital because it speaks of forgiveness steps to take, inner healing and
A true retreat to get ready for the baptism in the Holy Spirit cannot happen in only one day. If this outpouring
is not well prepared, often times we see outpourings which will not bear the expected fruit, fruit of holiness,
of a change in life, nor shall it bring authentic charisma to serve the Body of Christ in the power of the Holy
UMEWAHI KUJIFUNZA JAMBO KUTOKA KWA BR PAUL LORD'SWILL? Annamaria Nzamba anatushirikisha mambo mazito hapa juu ya kuhubiri injili.... ~ IFM CCR
Kutoka kwenye somo la jumapili hii iliyopita aliyofundisha bro. Lordswill Paul niliguswa Sana. Conflict within a man. Unatamani kufanya hiki lakini kuna kitu kingine kinakuzuia na ndani yako unapambana... Akasema kuna watu hapa wangejua kama maisha yako hivi, yako mambo ambayo yalifanyika huko nyuma, wasingeyafanya kabisa....!
Haleluya! Tumsifu Yesu Kristu!
Ni kutokana na maneno hayo mimi nimesikia mzigo sana kushare haya machache... Namsihi Mungu aachilie pumzi Yake katika neno hili ili likawe hai kwa mtu fulani. Ili likabadilishe maisha ya mtu fulani.
Ni kutokana na maneno hayo mimi nimesikia mzigo sana kushare haya machache... Namsihi Mungu aachilie pumzi Yake katika neno hili ili likawe hai kwa mtu fulani. Ili likabadilishe maisha ya mtu fulani.
Naongelea uaminifu. Wapendwa kutokuwa muaminifu kunachafua sana hali ya mtu. Usipokuwa muaminifu ni rahisi kutenda dhambi. Na dhambi ni mbaya kuliko unavyoweza kujua. Ni mbaya mno. Dhambi inakuchafua
Dhambi ina inakurudisha nyuma
Dhambi ina leta mapooza kiroho
Dhambi inakuondolea kibali
Dhambi inakukosesha baraka
Dhambi inakutenga na Mungu
Dhambi inaleta umauti
Dhambi ni kifo!
Dhambi ina inakurudisha nyuma
Dhambi ina leta mapooza kiroho
Dhambi inakuondolea kibali
Dhambi inakukosesha baraka
Dhambi inakutenga na Mungu
Dhambi inaleta umauti
Dhambi ni kifo!
Ndugu yangu unafanya nini unapokuwa sirini? U muaminifu? Kama Mungu akiamua kuweka TV na kuonesha maisha yako yooote walau kwa mwezi huu tu, tangu unapoamka hadi unapoenda kulala kwa siku zote mwezi huu, utakuwa na ujasiri wa kiruhusu hilo?
Ningeweza kukuonesha athari za kukosa kwako uaminifu ningeshika akili yako na fikra na kila kitu mpaka uelewe. Maana athari zake ni kubwa mno ni nyingi mno. Unajua utakuwa wapi baada ya miaka mitano kwa mfano? Unajua mbele yako iko changamoto gani mpendwa? Sasa kwa nini usiweke hazina ya uaminifu sasa ili ije ikufae wakati wa dhiki yako? You need to be serious my dear. Ufalme wa Mungu unatawaliwa na wenye nguvu, walio serious na maisha, sio wazushi wazushi, sio waongo au wezi au wenye Mizaha sio wanafiki wala wazinzi sio wambea wala wapenda rushwa BALI wenye nguvu katika kulitafari neno la Mungu na kuliishi bila woga bila unafiki.
Itafika wakati utakutana na changamoto kubwa katika ndugu zako, labda unakuta kuna ugomvi mkubwa kwa ndugu wa ukoo ambao unakuathiri hata wewe, saa ngapi utaweza kupigania ushindi ndugu yangu na hali wewe hukujali wokovu wako?
Labda watoto wako watakuja kukamatwa na kitu cha ajabu sana huko mbele na wewe pamoja Na miaka yote hiyo ya kumtumikia Mungu huna nguvu hata kidogo kuweza kuwasaidia wanao na hapo labda unaishi vijijini huko. Kisa, wakati wa kukua kiroho wewe ulipuuza hukuzingatia ukakosa uaminifu....
Sikia Nikwambie, kuna malengo yako unayoyatamani hapo mbeleni labda kuwa muimbaji mkubwa, kuwa kiongozi wa taifa au kuwa na familia bora au vyovyote upendavyo.... Nakusihi Sana zingatia uaminifu ili uweze kuyafikia hayo malengo yako, acha dhambi, maisha sio rahisi kiasi hiko.... Jitahidi Sana, sio tu wewe kumuamini Mungu, hakikisha na yeye Mungu anakuamini.
Yahitajika uaminifu. Kazini wahi, chapa kazi. Tumika. Nyumbani pia, kwenye familia yako kuwa muaminifu Hata kama hakuna anayekuona, darasani acha kudesa. Fellowship wahi, fika usitege. Hudhuria pia kwenye huduma acha excuses wahi, uparticipate fully. Fungu lakumi pia toa. Yaani timiza wajibu wako kila mahali shetani asipate cha kukuhukumu akaiba taji na ushindi wako...
Labda watoto wako watakuja kukamatwa na kitu cha ajabu sana huko mbele na wewe pamoja Na miaka yote hiyo ya kumtumikia Mungu huna nguvu hata kidogo kuweza kuwasaidia wanao na hapo labda unaishi vijijini huko. Kisa, wakati wa kukua kiroho wewe ulipuuza hukuzingatia ukakosa uaminifu....
Sikia Nikwambie, kuna malengo yako unayoyatamani hapo mbeleni labda kuwa muimbaji mkubwa, kuwa kiongozi wa taifa au kuwa na familia bora au vyovyote upendavyo.... Nakusihi Sana zingatia uaminifu ili uweze kuyafikia hayo malengo yako, acha dhambi, maisha sio rahisi kiasi hiko.... Jitahidi Sana, sio tu wewe kumuamini Mungu, hakikisha na yeye Mungu anakuamini.
Yahitajika uaminifu. Kazini wahi, chapa kazi. Tumika. Nyumbani pia, kwenye familia yako kuwa muaminifu Hata kama hakuna anayekuona, darasani acha kudesa. Fellowship wahi, fika usitege. Hudhuria pia kwenye huduma acha excuses wahi, uparticipate fully. Fungu lakumi pia toa. Yaani timiza wajibu wako kila mahali shetani asipate cha kukuhukumu akaiba taji na ushindi wako...
Panda mbegu nzuri sasa uje uvune nazo mazuri baadae. Huu ni wakati wa kujiongezea nguvu katika Bwana, huu ni wakati wa kukua kiroho , huu ni wakati wa kupambana kuifikia taji yako. Usipitwe na kasi hii. Kuwa muaminifu na utamuona Bwana.
Ni kweli Mungu anasamehe, lakini hata akikusamehe kuna mahali hutofika! Muulize mfalme Daudi ambaye alifanyika najisi kwa dhambi aliyoitenda... Hakuweza tena kumjengea Mungu hekalu... Na Ukizingatia Daudi is termed as a man after God's heart..... sembuse mimi na wewe...? Tuache dhambi! Tuwe waaminifu ili tusije kujuta baadae.
Ninajua ninachokiongea. Ninajua. Ndio maana ninawiwa juu yako.
Ooh neno hili na lipate kibali kwako.
Ninajua ninachokiongea. Ninajua. Ndio maana ninawiwa juu yako.
Ooh neno hili na lipate kibali kwako.
UNA NINI CHA KUTUFUNZA KUHUSU SILVER JUBILEE YA DR ALEX LENGEJU? Soma ushuhuda mzito wa Annamaria Nzamba hapa!!!
Jana nilikuwa na wakati mgumu sana wa kufanya maamuzi kuhusu kuhudhuria jubilee ya Mr and Mrs Alex Victor Lengeju ama la... Ishu ilikuwa ndani yangu nasikia sana kwenda kuwapasupport kutokana na namna ambavyo waliwahi kujitoa sana kwetu, yaani sana na sio kwamba tuliwaomba, hapana ni wao tu walijitoa. Lakini sasa naendaje wakati sina hata mtu wa kubaki na hawa watoto.... Ndani yangu nilikuwa napambana nini nifanye... Mpaka mwisho nikaamua niende itakavyo kuwa ndio hivyo hivyo.... My children won't die kwa changamoto ya siku moja...
Unajua ningeamua kubaki hakuna ambae hasingenielewa katika hali ile, ila msukumo wa kwenda ulikuwa mwingi tena mkubwa, miaka 25 ya ndoa? Nani hasiyetamani upako Kama huo...? So nikabeba wanangu, nikaenda..
Unajua ningeamua kubaki hakuna ambae hasingenielewa katika hali ile, ila msukumo wa kwenda ulikuwa mwingi tena mkubwa, miaka 25 ya ndoa? Nani hasiyetamani upako Kama huo...? So nikabeba wanangu, nikaenda..
Labda nifupishe tu kwa kusema kwamba, mpaka nimeamua kuandika hapa, kipo cha ziada nilikutana nacho..
Ule wasi wasi wa kuhusu itakuwaje, Mungu aliniletea wasaidizi toka mbinguni wenye upendo wa ajabu sana yaani mlinibariki wapendwa jamani mweh... Alianza dada Jacque Siara akamchukua Archangel, mara kaka Epimack Mbeteni akambeba Annointing mara Chrispin Chalyaakasaidia kukaa na Annointing rafiki yake, Leah Kibode mpenda watoto akampokea mara Sway Gabriel Perfect akamchukua Archangel akacheza nae kwaito, bila hata kukataliwa... Sijakaa sana da Tumaini Mfujege naye akamchukua Annointing mara tena kaka Epimack tena Leah, Perfect akajaribu kumchukua Aki this time akakataliwa, sijui ulimfinya mwanangu?
Kaka Michael na Aneth Meela mke wako mlikuja mkanitia moyo...
Haikutosha, wakati wa kwenda kuchukua chakula nikiwa na watoto kwenye foleni nikashtukia Regina huyu hapa, kawaomba radhi waliokuwa kwenye mstari , "samahanini sijawaruka, nataka kumsaidia watoto huyu dada" mweh jamani Regina!!! Na hali yako wala hukujali jamani... Mmh hadi natokwa machozi, Avit Temu nifikishie salamu. Mwanangu akapakuliwa akabebewa chakula mpaka kwenye kiti , tunaanza kula bado wakatokea watu wakaniwahi usimpe chakula mtoto kina pilipili Sana. Nakumbuka Tumaini ulikuja toka mezani kwako mpaka kwetu ukaulizia mtoto Kala nini ili tu kumlinda na ile pilipili....
Huu upendo wenu sina namna ya kuulipa ... Nimeguswa sana sio kichekesho nimeamua kuandika, na wala sio kwamba sina cha kufanya, kuna kitu kikubwa Mungu ananifundisha kupitia kwetu, Namsihi Mungu anikumbushe kupenda wengine, na kujitoa sadaka kwa wengine kama mlivyojitoa kwangu....
Sijui mliona nini labda au sijui mlisukumwa na nini labda, what ever the reason or no reason.... I pray to God that He will shower his abundant blessing upon you maishani mwenu... Mungu awabarikini na anipe kuukumbuka upendo huu.
Sijawasahau na wengine wengi kule fellowship ambao hamchaacha kuwa msaada.... Nawakumbuka wote... Kuna waliomkuta Anno anaumwa wakamuwekea mikono wakamuombea, I bless you all.
Hakika through this fellowship ninaonja kuishi kwa kumegeana mkate kama mitume...
Ule wasi wasi wa kuhusu itakuwaje, Mungu aliniletea wasaidizi toka mbinguni wenye upendo wa ajabu sana yaani mlinibariki wapendwa jamani mweh... Alianza dada Jacque Siara akamchukua Archangel, mara kaka Epimack Mbeteni akambeba Annointing mara Chrispin Chalyaakasaidia kukaa na Annointing rafiki yake, Leah Kibode mpenda watoto akampokea mara Sway Gabriel Perfect akamchukua Archangel akacheza nae kwaito, bila hata kukataliwa... Sijakaa sana da Tumaini Mfujege naye akamchukua Annointing mara tena kaka Epimack tena Leah, Perfect akajaribu kumchukua Aki this time akakataliwa, sijui ulimfinya mwanangu?
Kaka Michael na Aneth Meela mke wako mlikuja mkanitia moyo...
Haikutosha, wakati wa kwenda kuchukua chakula nikiwa na watoto kwenye foleni nikashtukia Regina huyu hapa, kawaomba radhi waliokuwa kwenye mstari , "samahanini sijawaruka, nataka kumsaidia watoto huyu dada" mweh jamani Regina!!! Na hali yako wala hukujali jamani... Mmh hadi natokwa machozi, Avit Temu nifikishie salamu. Mwanangu akapakuliwa akabebewa chakula mpaka kwenye kiti , tunaanza kula bado wakatokea watu wakaniwahi usimpe chakula mtoto kina pilipili Sana. Nakumbuka Tumaini ulikuja toka mezani kwako mpaka kwetu ukaulizia mtoto Kala nini ili tu kumlinda na ile pilipili....
Huu upendo wenu sina namna ya kuulipa ... Nimeguswa sana sio kichekesho nimeamua kuandika, na wala sio kwamba sina cha kufanya, kuna kitu kikubwa Mungu ananifundisha kupitia kwetu, Namsihi Mungu anikumbushe kupenda wengine, na kujitoa sadaka kwa wengine kama mlivyojitoa kwangu....
Sijui mliona nini labda au sijui mlisukumwa na nini labda, what ever the reason or no reason.... I pray to God that He will shower his abundant blessing upon you maishani mwenu... Mungu awabarikini na anipe kuukumbuka upendo huu.
Sijawasahau na wengine wengi kule fellowship ambao hamchaacha kuwa msaada.... Nawakumbuka wote... Kuna waliomkuta Anno anaumwa wakamuwekea mikono wakamuombea, I bless you all.
Hakika through this fellowship ninaonja kuishi kwa kumegeana mkate kama mitume...
Hamjaacha kunibariki. Asanteni nyote kwa upendo wenu.
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